Interpretation of the Bible / Romans 12:4-5
The human body consists of many members, each with a specific purpose. The health and strength of the body depends on how well each member performs its task.
It is the same in the Body of Christ. It includes the unity (one body), diversity (many), and interrelation (one for another) of all members. Any gifts are not intended for self-gratification, but for the good of the body. No gift is sufficient in itself; nor is any unnecessary. It is this understanding that gives us due modesty (12:3).
The church is the body of Christ, a living proof of the existence of God, since it is the result of the ministry begun by Jesus. We are members of the body, and each member fulfills its role, so let us stop comparing ourselves with others in the church, and let us value the talent God has given us, which is unique and important for the rest of the body.
If you have not yet identified your talent, pray and ask God to show you how you can help fulfill your role in the Body of Christ.