Interpretation of the Bible / John 12:26
John 12:26 is a key verse for understanding what it means to truly follow Jesus. In this verse, Jesus offers his followers a clear and direct invitation to follow Him, and in turn, promises that those who follow him will be honored by their Father.
The verse begins, “Whoever serves me must follow me.” In this sense, Jesus is inviting his followers to follow him actively and faithfully. The word “serve” in this context can be understood as more than just obeying God’s commands. In ancient cultures, the act of serving someone was deeply rooted in social relationships. To serve someone meant continually offering them help and support, seeking to meet their needs and desires.
Thus, Jesus is saying that those who actively and faithfully follow Him must also be willing to serve others. This forces us to consider our own attitudes toward others: are we willing to serve them too? Are we willing to put their needs above our own?
Jesus then goes on to say, “and where I am, my servant also will be.” In this sense, this verse reminds us that following Jesus is not only a matter of obedience, but also involves being close to him, supporting Him, and accompanying him in His work on earth. It involves being close to others who love and serve God, and being an example to them.
Finally, Jesus promises, “My Father will honor the one who serves me.” This is an important reminder for those who seek to follow Jesus and serve others. The idea of being glorified by God is a powerful motivation for many believers, as it gives us a reason to persevere in times of difficulty and adversity. However, it is also important to remember that this honor is not based on our own merits, but on the grace and mercy of God.