Interpretation of the Bible / Galatians 1:10
This Bible verse invites us to reflect on the motives that guide our actions. Specifically, it makes us think about how much weight we place on others’ opinions of our lives and how we make decisions.
The idea of seeking approval from people is a concept we find in many different religions and philosophies. Basically, it involves doing what we think others will like with the intention of gaining their approval, even if it means going against our own beliefs. While this may seem like a noble attitude, it can actually be very damaging to our lives and our relationship with God.
Seeking approval from people is dangerous for a number of reasons. First, it can cause us to become overly dependent on the opinions of others, which means we risk losing our self-esteem and our ability to make consistent decisions.
Second, seeking approval from people can cause us to lose our connection with God. When our decisions are based solely on what society expects of us, we distance ourselves from divine truth and the wisdom it implies. Consequently, our spiritual life can suffer and we can lose purpose and meaning.