SVG In Christ

Interpretation of the Bible / 2 John 1:8

Watch out that you do not lose what we have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully.

Our actions and decisions have consequences, both in our present life and in the future. This verse from 2 John emphasizes the importance of taking care of ourselves, of our actions, so that we do not lose the fruits of our labor, but receive the full reward.

In a society that often places more emphasis on outward appearance and the constant pursuit of material happiness, the message of this verse is especially important. Finding ourselves involves deep introspection, an awareness of our own values, our priorities, and our actions. It is easy to get carried away by the flow, by what others are doing and thinking, but to receive the full reward, we must be true to ourselves and the principles that guide us.

Losing the fruits of our labor is a feeling of disappointment. This can happen for many reasons: due to inattention to detail, due to not putting forth our best efforts, due to acting selfishly or unethically, etc. The call of this verse is to be aware of our actions, to make decisions accordingly, and to strive every day not to lose what we have sown.

Book: New Testament / 2 John
Topics: reward, self-control, work
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