SVG In Christ

Interpretation of the Bible / John 10:9

I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.

In this verse from John 10:9, Jesus is talking to his followers and telling them the parable of the Good Shepherd, where He refers to himself as the gate of the sheep. This passage is a great revelation of who Jesus is and how we can be saved through Him.

The gate metaphor

In this passage, Jesus uses the metaphor of a door to describe how we can access God. He says, “I am the gate.” This is a powerful image because a door is access to something beyond it. In this case, Jesus is the door that leads us to salvation and eternal life.

The door is also a symbol of protection and safety. In biblical times, sheep were kept in a pen at night to protect them from predators. Jesus protects us from evil and death and gives us safety on the way to eternal life.

Enter through the gate

Jesus says that those who enter through Him will be saved and find pasture. Salvation is the central theme of the Bible and it is what all Christians long for. But what does it mean to “enter the gate”? It simply means believing in Jesus and following His teachings and example. The door is not an inanimate object, it is a living person and God incarnate who gives us life and leads us to salvation.

When we entered the door, we found pastures. This symbolizes the spiritual food that Jesus gives us through the Word of God. Spiritual nourishment means reading, studying, and applying biblical principles in our daily lives. Jesus is the way to this food that nourishes us and causes us to grow in our faith.

Book: New Testament / John
Topics: Jesus, Salvation
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