Interpretation of the Bible / Jude 1:18-19
The Book of Jude is a short letter written by Jude, who calls himself “a servant of Jesus Christ” and “the brother of James” (Jude 1:1). Jude wrote this letter to warn believers about “certain men who have crept in secretly” into the churches (Jude 1:4).
These men are called “wicked men” who “have exchanged the grace of our God for lewdness” and “deny our only Lord and Master Jesus Christ” (Jude 1:4). Jude expresses his concern about the negative influence of these men who lead believers into lies.
Jude 1:18 is part of a description of these men and their evil influence in the end times. In this verse, Jude speaks of scoffers who act according to their own evil desires.
Scoffers are those who ridicule the truth, faith, and Christian values. These are people who have no fear of God and seek to harm the truth and those who profess it.
Moreover, these scoffers act according to their evil desires, that is, they act in accordance with their selfish interests instead of implementing the Christian values of love, compassion and justice.