Interpretation of the Bible / Obadiah 1:3
The book of Obadiah, one of the shortest in the Bible, contains a profound and powerful message that warns us of the dangers of pride in verse three. In this sense, the author tells us that our arrogance can be a trap that distances us from God and can lead us to destruction.
But what is pride?
To understand the gravity of Obadiah’s warning, it is important to understand how pride is defined. The term refers to an attitude of pride and conceit that manifests itself in overconfidence, a lack of humility, and an attitude of superiority over others. In other words, it is a form of arrogance that prevents us from recognizing our limitations and makes us believe that we are infallible and invincible.
Pride as a Trap
The problem with pride is that it prevents us from seeing the reality of things. The verse we are examining shows how the proud deceive themselves into believing that nothing and no one can break them. However, this attitude is a dangerous illusion, because life is full of circumstances that can overwhelm us and remind us of our vulnerability.
Humility as an Antidote
To avoid falling into the trap of pride, it is necessary to cultivate humility. This virtue allows us to recognize our limitations and accept them without underestimating or overestimating ourselves. Humility makes us aware of the existence of God and helps us realize that we are part of something greater than ourselves.