SVG In Christ

Interpretation of the Bible / Luke 18:27

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”

This verse reminds us that God has unlimited power and that He can do things that are beyond our ability. It is a powerful affirmation of God’s omnipotence.

There are situations in our lives that seem impossible and in which we feel helpless. Jesus tells us that although it is impossible for humans, nothing is impossible for God. He can do what seems unachievable.

We can also learn from this verse how important it is to pray and ask God for help in difficult situations. He wants to help us in every area of ​​our lives and is waiting for us to ask Him for help.

Prayer is our way of connecting with God and asking Him to intervene when something seems impossible.

Book: New Testament / Luke
Topics: Jesus, miracles, Salvation
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