Interpretation of the Bible / John 15:18
John 15:18 is important because it reminds us that as Christians, we can face opposition and hatred from the world. Let's look at the context in which this verse is found and what it means for us today.
To fully understand the meaning of this verse, it is important to look at the context in which it is found. In John 15:1-17, Jesus tells a parable about a vine and branches. He says that He is the true vine and the disciples are the branches.
He teaches them that in order to bear fruit, they must abide in Him because without Him they can do nothing. Finally, Jesus tells them that if they keep His commandments, they will abide in His love.
After this teaching, Jesus talks about the hatred of the world towards the disciples. He says that the worldly will hate them because they are not of the world, just as He is not of the world. This means that Christians are strangers in this world and do not share the beliefs of this world. Jesus admonishes them not to be surprised when they are persecuted and hated, because He himself faced the same opposition.