SVG In Christ

Interpretation of the Bible / Amos 5:14

Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is.

Verse 14 of chapter 5 is in the middle of a prophecy about the injustice and corruption that had spread among the people of Israel. In this context, Amos is calling the people to seek good rather than evil in order to live a fulfilling life.

The verb “to seek” denotes a conscious and active action of searching, implying an intention to find something of value. In this case, Amos is calling to seek good rather than evil, which implies a choice and a decision to follow an ethical path. Good can be defined as that which is just, loving, helpful, and positive, while evil refers to that which is unjust, harmful, and negative. Therefore, Amos’s call is to choose the path of good and reject the path of evil.

Amos points out that pursuing good leads to a fulfilling life. God’s promise to be with His people is a powerful manifestation of the covenant of God with His people. This covenant is established when people follow His commandments and pursue His will. This is a promise that is fulfilled in the lives of those who trust and follow God, but that does not mean there will be no challenges or trials. God's presence in our lives does not eliminate problems, but rather gives us the strength and wisdom to face them.

Book: Old Testament / Amos
Topics: Holiness, reward, seeking
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