SVG In Christ

Interpretation of the Bible / Matthew 6:7

And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.

In Matthew chapter 6, Jesus teaches his disciples how they should pray. In this particular verse, he instructs them not to use vain repetitions in their prayers, as the pagans do. What does Jesus mean by vain repetitions? Why is it important to avoid them?

What is verbosity in prayer?

Verbosity in prayer refers to the practice of repeating the same words over and over again without a specific purpose. This practice is not exclusive to any particular religion, as it has been done at some point by many people of different faiths.

Jesus points out that this type of prayer is similar to the “talking” of the pagans, who think that by repeating their words too often, they will be heard or listened to.

Why is it important to avoid verbosity?

It is important to avoid vain repetitions in prayer, as this practice defeats the true purpose of prayer. Prayer is communication with God, a way of expressing to Him our desires, needs, gratitude, and worship. If we simply repeat the same words over and over again without a purpose, we are not really communicating with God.

This shows a wrong attitude towards God, as if He were a divine being who can be manipulated by our words. Prayer is not a magic formula for getting what you want, but a way to draw closer to God and be transformed by His grace.

Book: New Testament / Matthew
Topics: Prayer, speaking, thoughts
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