Interpretation of the Bible / John 8:36
To understand the true meaning of John 8:36, we need to know its historical context. In this chapter of John, we see Jesus arguing with the Pharisees in the temple in Jerusalem. The Pharisees, who claimed to be descendants of Abraham, were unhappy with Jesus’ teachings and sought to discredit Him at every turn.
Jesus and His Word
In John 8:36, Jesus lets them know that He knows they claim to be descendants of Abraham, but they are trying to kill Him. This is because His word has no place in them. Jesus sought to teach truth and justice through His preaching, which leads to freedom from sin. However, the Pharisees were unwilling to listen to His teachings and understand them.
The word of Jesus is powerful and transformative, but for it to truly impact our lives, we must be willing to receive it and take it into our hearts. Often, we cling to our own beliefs and refuse to listen to what God’s Word is telling us.